Our Response to Covid-19

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Our Response to Covid-19

In these times of Covid-19 pandemic, our work with the migrant community assumes more importance. Education and skill development took a back seat as we decided to stand with our community in these difficult times.

A number of workers lost their livelihood and could barely manage to feed their families. The Trust decided to distribute dry ration to the families in Greater Noida from April 2020. Around 200 families were supported with food packets consisting of 5 kgs wheat flour, one kg each of rice, dal, sugar and salt and two cakes of soap, twice a month.

Food packets being prepared for the families

Dry ration being distributed in the community

As part of our initiative, we have been creating awareness among the community. We distributed soaps to the students to highlight the need for handwashing to safeguard against the virus. The concept of maintaining physical distance was stressed upon. The teachers explained how to play games using physical distancing in the times of the pandemic.

Mask making

Life came to a virtual standstill due to lockdown in the country. The schools could not run during this period.

Meanwhile masks became an essential for everyone as a preventive measure. Our children, who are already skilled in stitching and embroidery, were taught to make cotton mask. The Trust provided them with the raw material to prepare different kinds of masks.

The children and their families use them as well as distribute it to volunteers and supporters for their well being.

Different types of masks prepared by the children

Masks being prepared as part of the skill development programme. It was distributed in the community to the students and their families.